Reignite Your Youth: Advanced Male Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy


Male Bio Identical Hormone Therapy

Male Bio Identical Hormone Therapy

Is My Testosterone Low?


Male andropause, equivalent to female menopause, is defined as a collection of symptoms, including fatigue and a decrease in libido (sex drive), experienced by some middle-aged men and attributed to a gradual decline in testosterone levels. Men starting at around the age of thirty will decrease their production of testosterone by 1% – 3% yearly. Low testosterone levels can be seen in some men by their mid-thirties.

Symptoms of decreased levels of testosterone in men include:


  • Loss of lean muscle mass, muscular weakness, some men describe themselves as “mushy” despite exercise and diet efforts
  • Weight gain
  • Increased fat in the chest and abdominal areas
  • Loss of libido (sex drive)
  • Erectile dysfunction and/or impotence
  • Inability to maintain an erection
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of mental clarity
  • Loss of motivation
  • Depression
  • Memory Loss
  • Sagging skin
  • Decreased concentration
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Increased blood sugar
  • Increased risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes
  • Increased risk for prostate cancer

How do I know if I need testosterone replacement therapy?


Testosterone, as well as all other hormone replacement therapy, begins with a physical assessment, a medical consultation with a licensed medical professional, and a simple blood test.  All can be done in the comfort of your home. If our clients prefer, an appointment can be set at a physical clinic location. Blood panel results will be available in one to two days. These results will be either emailed or faxed to you according to your preference. An appointment will then be made for a physician or nurse practitioner to call and discuss your results at length. If applicable, a testosterone replacement plan will be discussed before implementation.

Do I Have too Much Estrogen?


Men, like women, produce estrogen, but in much smaller amounts. When a man is participating in testosterone replacement therapy it is inevitable that a small amount of the testosterone hormone will be converted to estrogen.  An enzyme named aromatase converts testosterone to estrogen. This process is called aromatization. Too much estrogen in a male could cause water retention, moodiness, inability to achieve orgasm, and sore breast tissue. It is not common that this will happen, just a possibility, but If one is having any issues with excess estrogen, an aromatase inhibitor medication will be prescribed (usually one pill weekly) and symptoms subside shortly.  Many men benefit greatly from the positive effects of testosterone. Ten Years Younger closely monitors estrogen levels in men participating in testosterone replacement in order to avoid the possible side effects of excess estrogen.

Low estrogen in the male body can be problematic as well. In males, low estrogen levels can cause weight gain, increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes if testosterone levels are also low. For these reasons, the medical professionals at Ten Years Younger monitor all hormone levels closely and adjust treatment accordingly.

Do I Need Thyroid Replacement Therapy?


There are many symptoms of non-optimal thyroid hormone levels:

  • Fatigue, especially morning fatigue

  • Hair loss or thinning hair

  • Weight gain

  • Thin fingernails/ridges in fingernails

  • Dry/flaky skin

  • Weakness

  • Poor concentration

  • Memory Loss or foggy memory

  • Cold intolerance

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Depression

  • Poor sense of well-being due to lack of energy and motivation

It starts with a physical assessment and a simple blood test which can be done in the comfort of your own home. If you as a client prefer to come into the clinic, our physical address will be provided to you. The blood panel will be processed and results available one to two days later. A copy will either be faxed or emailed to you and a licensed physician or nurse practitioner will call you to discuss your results at length. If applicable, a thyroid replacement plan will be discussed before implementation.